Commonwealth Africa Network

Commonwealth Africa Network provide an opportunity for our community to reflect and recognise the real danger of child sexual abuse and exploitation, and our individual and collective responsibility to safeguard and protect the well-being of our children and the vulnerable in our community.

We organise series of conference and awareness events, town-hall informative and interactive meetings to highlight and address the disturbing issues of child sexual abuse and exploitation as it affect our Africa community.

There are speeches and presentations on abuse and exploitation with an in-depth analysis of it signs and effects and highlight on the various support available to victims, how to make a referral and the reasons why it should be reported. we use our website, resource materials and other publications to increase awareness and reach-out to our community.

Our activities is open to the public and there are No restriction as to who will attend or benefit from our project. Some of those who will benefit immensely from the project include children, youth people, women and the vulnerable, who have suffered abuses, are suffering abuses or are in danger of being a victim of abuse and exploitation in our community.

The Commonwealth Africa Network is a civil voluntary and non-governmental organization (NGO) for nationals of Commonwealth Africa countries residing in the UK, founded in 2013 to promote integration and participation in governance within the UK by supporting models of good practice and civil society participation from the members.

To promote co-operation between members and their communities by informing and educating the members on the core British values which includes the rule of law, human rights and good governance and to deliver an efficient and effective programme aim at integrating the members into the society.

Africans' are the fastest growing ethnic minority group in the UK and the migration for a better life makes Africa children vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. Africa parents and relative are increasingly willing to give their children away to strangers in the belief that they will be coming to have a better life in the UK, without the common knowledge of the fate of their children in the hands of traffickers.

As a local grassroots organization, we fully recognized and acknowledge that Child/Sexual abuse and exploitation poses a real and present danger to our community and the effect of exploitation and abuse can remain with women and children for a lifetime, and can pass on from one generation to another. Studies show that children who have witnessed or been subjected to abuse and exploitation are more likely to be repeated victims or abuser themselves.

The Commonwealth Africa Network provides a forum for entertainment and exhibitions of our cultural heritage in following areas:

  • Arts
  • Culture
  • Music
  • Sport
Thus, bringing people of common interest together and enabling civic values and skills to develop.

Africa cultural and traditional values, ethnicity impediment and predicament, lack of awareness and disenchantment with the system, are some of the constraints that affect our community from speaking out against these heinous crime. Our project will promote awareness and strengthen our togetherness against child sexual Abuse and exploitation by removing the "Fear Factor" and other barriers for not speaking out.

As a grassroots community organisation, it was left to us to reach out to our constituency and community where other have failed, because previous works and survey shows that our Africa communities are more comfortable using indigenous service and support to make a Referral due to some social and cultural reasons. Our communities will be encourage to come forward, make a referral on sexual abuses and get support.