Commonwealth Africa Network
Support and Services Provided

  • Provide information, advice, and advocacy 1-2-1 support services.
  • Help prepare and write letters, applications, CV, reports and emails.
  • Organise and deliver training, workshop and community events.
  • Community volunteering service and food bank delivery.
  • Work and engage with other partners agencies and organisations.
  • Promote community cohesion, safety and relations.
  • Provide safeguarding support for children, young and vulnerable people.
  • volunteering, campaigning and fundraising activities.
  • Family support services - Jobs, training and benefit supports.
We organise series of conference and awareness events, town-hall informative and interactive meetings to address the disturbing issues of child sexual abuse and exploitation as it affect our Africa communities in Nottingham and East Midlands.

Activity This includes speeches and presentations on abuse and exploitation with an in-depth analysis on the mental, emotional, physical, psychological and other traumatic signs and effects of abuses and exploitation, with highlight on the various support available to victims, how to make a referral and the reasons why it should be reported.

We organise Internet Safety Workshop during our town-hall informative and interactive forum to educate and inform parents on how to keep their children safe from online child abuser.

The sessions include speeches and video presentations, questions and answer sessions and other information on how to keep children safe whenever they are using Internet service on their devices or tablets.

As a grassroots community base initiative, we work with parents and families, Africa town groups and community leaders by organising a town-hall interactive and informative sessions using resource materials to educate and inform our community of the real danger of child sexual abuse and exploitation, and our individual and collective responsibility to protect our children.

We work in collaboration with the relevant agencies and authorities like the local authority safeguarding boards, social and children services, The Police, Schools and health institutions, and others community interest groups to provide the necessary safeguards needed to combat these crime in our community.

We engage with policy makers, The Commonwealth, the British government, Diplomatic missions of commonwealth Africa countries, local authorities, community town groups and other stakeholders on issues of concerns as reflected in our aims and objectives.

We provide assistance and support on issues raised at the conference, awareness and interactive events by organising a follow-up support, referral and advisory (one to one) sessions when the need arises. we use our website and other publications to increase awareness and reach-out to our community.

We provide four (4) hours daily sessions where referrals, advices and other information about child sexual abuses and exploitations are heard and documented, assistance and support are provided through collaboration with the relevant authorities.

We continue to explore the social media with our interactive audience forum by encouraging our community to add and liken our project to their social media page, then we can sent and receive information from our community.

Since most of Africa town groups are our members, we use the link to communicate via email and text messages about our project and as it affect our community.

We use other publication outreach like leaflets, cards, fliers, magazines and other information resources to create awareness and highlight our project in our community. We provided helpline and phone service to make it easier for our community to contact us.

We also deal with some socio-cultural and family issues that prevent our community from speaking out by removing the fear factors and other impediments that frustrate and intimidate our community from speaking out.

We have one project officer for each project location at Derby, Leicester and Nottingham to supervise our members and team of volunteers, and assign one management committee member to coordinate and run this project for three years.

Our office is open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday to run our project effectively. Our helpline telephone hours will be increase to a 24hours service so that our community can get help anytime.